9 de noviembre de 2011


AND YOU LEARN. After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul. And you learn that love does not mean lying down and a company does not mean security. And one begins to learn that kisses are not contracts and presents are not promises. And you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and eyes open. And you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground too uncertain for plans ... and futures have a way of falling in the middle. And after a while you learn that if it is too, that the sunshine burns. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure, that you really are strong, that one really worth, and you learn and learn ..


Después de algún tiempo aprenderás la diferencia entre dar la mano y socorrer a un alma... Y aprenderás que amar no significa apoyarse, y que compañía no siempre significa seguridad... Comenzaras a aprender que los besos no son contratos, ni regalos, ni promesas... Comenzarás a aceptar tus derrotas con la cabeza erguida y la mirada al frente, con la gracia de un adulto y no con la tristeza de un niño...

Y aprenderás a construir hoy todos tus caminos, porque el terreno de mañana es incierto para los proyectos y el futuro tiene la costumbre de caer en el vacío. Después de un tiempo aprenderás que el sol quema sí te expones demasiado... Aceptarás que incluso las personas buenas podrían herirte alguna vez y necesitarás perdonarlas... Aprenderás que hablar puede aliviar los dolores del alma... 

Descubrirás que lleva años construir confianza y apenas unos segundos destruirla, y que tu también podrás hacer cosas de las que te arrepentirás el resto de la vida... Aprenderás que las verdaderas amistades continúan creciendo a pesar de las distancias... Y que no importa que es lo que tienes, sino a quien tienes en la vida... Y que los buenos amigos son la familia que nos permitimos elegir... Aprenderás que no tenemos que cambiar de amigos, sí estamos dispuestos a aceptar que los amigos cambian... Te darás cuenta que puedes pasar buenos momentos con tu mejor amigo haciendo cualquier cosa o nada, solo por el placer de disfrutar su compañía... 

Descubrirás que muchas veces tomas a la ligera a las personas que más te importan y por eso siempre debemos decir a esas personas que las amamos, porque nunca estaremos seguros de cuando será la ultima vez que las veamos... Aprenderás que las circunstancias y el ambiente que nos rodea tienen influencia sobre nosotros, pero nosotros somos los únicos responsables de lo que hacemos...

Comenzarás a aprender que no nos debemos comparar con los demás, salvo cuando queramos imitarlos para mejorar... Descubrirás que se lleva mucho tiempo para llegar a ser la persona que quieres ser, y que el tiempo es corto. Aprenderás que no importa a donde llegaste, sino a donde te diriges y si no lo sabes cualquier lugar sirve... Aprenderás que si no controlas tus actos, ellos te controlaran y que ser flexible no significa ser débil o no tener personalidad, porque no importa cuan delicada y frágil sea una situación: siempre existen dos lados. Aprenderás que héroes son las personas que hicieron lo que era necesario, enfrentando las consecuencias... Aprenderás que la paciencia requiere mucha práctica. 

Descubrirás que algunas veces, la persona que esperas que te patee cuando te caes, tal vez sea una de las pocas que te ayuden a levantarte. Madurar tiene mas que ver con lo que has aprendido de las experiencias, que con los años vividos. Aprenderás que hay mucho mas de tus padres en ti de lo que supones. Aprenderás que nunca se debe decir a un niño que sus sueños son tonterías, porque pocas cosas son tan humillantes y sería una tragedia si lo creyese porque le estarás quitando la esperanza... Aprenderás que cuando sientes rabia, tienes derecho a tenerla, pero eso no te da el derecho de ser cruel... 

Descubrirás que solo porque alguien no te ama de la forma que quieres, no significa que no te ame con todo lo que puede, porque hay personas que nos aman, pero que no saben como demostrarlo... No siempre es suficiente ser perdonado por alguien, algunas veces tendrás que aprender a perdonarte a ti mismo... Aprenderás que con la misma severidad conque juzgas, también serás juzgado y en algún momento condenado... Aprenderás que no importa en cuantos pedazos tu corazón se partió, el mundo no se detiene para que lo arregles... Aprenderás que el tiempo no es algo que pueda volver hacia atrás, por lo tanto, debes cultivar tu propio jardín y decorar tu alma, en vez de esperar que alguien te traiga flores.

Entonces y solo entonces sabrás realmente lo que puedes soportar; que eres fuerte y que podrás ir mucho mas lejos de lo que pensabas cuando creías que no se podía más. Es que realmente la vida vale cuando tienes el valor de ¡enfrentarla!

William Shakespeare

21 de octubre de 2011

Uncertainty and Time

Uncertainty: Outcomes that will occur with a probability that cannot even be estimated.
Time: Is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects.

Some time ago I was talking to my dad about the people that for me, were easy to forget, and about people that I could not easily get out of my mind even though I so wanted. We talked about people who had done me much harm and that I took them out of my mind because of my knowledge about wrongly being with them. We also talked about people who have moved away from me after having deducted through a conversation why we should stay away. And finally, we spoke about people who also have moved away but I never could find the reason why they moved away.

Then there was when my father began to talk about uncertainties. He told me that this is a word, that from one point in his life, he decided not to use anymore, this due to the magnitude of it. We talked about the stories of him and some of mine and why uncertainty is the reason we cannot forget some people. We always want to know what people do, what they think, what they are going through their mind, what concept will the have about us....

In my case, I thought about the probability of seeing certain people, explanations and discussions that may occur if meet again, the reason of never speaking again with someone you still love, the reasons for such abandonment.

Finally, I decided that the word "uncertainty" should disappear from my life too. And I learned that TIME will always be the best counterpart of that word. Because as we all know, time will tell always everything... After that conversation, sizing the magnitude of uncertainty and the solution time can give this, things have improved. I have dedicated myself to live my day to day without dying thinking about the memories and what could or could not be. Time will tell everything.

I told you once I am "closing cycles" kind of person. This is the time to report publicly that this cycle of uncertainty has been closed. There were a lot of things around it, much music that accompanied me, few people knew how strong was this cycle in my life, that represented several tears, several times when I felt guilty for many things, I was not the same person I used to be for three long months but I have returned full. How had my cycle been closed? ... About the points that I had already spoke about in this blog, there were certain events during this year that caused me to add another points in my life. These points are called:  PASSENGER DOTS. The type of people who come into your life to show you something, to let you know another way (other options) you might consider in your life. And then, fulfilled their mission, eventually these people goes out of your life quickly.

So that was you. The PASSENGER DOT that came into my life to give me a few slaps, to show me that my path was not correct. I thought for a moment that you were the replacement for another dot but you were not. That was the task you left me.

I already forgive myself for things I missed, and I asked you forgiveness for those things. With your forgiveness or not, I feel full of time and ready for a new stage.

Here... Some of the songs that will remind you always.

23 de agosto de 2011

Setting ...

I am proud of my heart. It's played, burned and broken. But still works.

When the cement is in the process of setting, it becomes as hard as stone and only if left with a badly healed, can never be useful for something.

I am needing just some minutes of setting, then I'll be tough enough and I will not believe in anything or anyone. I will not feel anymore ... That's the way you must learn to go by.

1 de agosto de 2011

Juliet Feelings

Yesterday, I watched a movie called "letters to Juliet" 
and this part really got my attention ... 
Is not just about letting things be ... ;)

Dear Claire,

‘What’ and ‘if’ are two words as non threatening as words can be. But put them together, side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life. ‘What if? ‘What if? What if?’
I don’t know how your story ended but if what you felt then was ‘true love’, then it’s never to late. If it were true then, why wouldn’t it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart.
I don’t know what a love like Juliet’s feels like; a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for. But I’d like to believe if I ever were to feel it, that I’d have the courage to seize it. And Claire, if you didn’t, I hope one day that you will.

All my love,

15 de junio de 2011

In love of our Friendship

Sometime ago, someone told me "you cannot choose your family but you can select your friends, be carefull with it, they will be your essence almost the time" ....

Today, I want to say THANK YOU ... All this time of great frienship and powerfull conversations have a value added in my life that you cannot imagine. Sometimes I am doing things and, at the moment I don't feel anything, but next to that, I start knowing that almost my decisions now are because a great connection between our minds by the distance. You are my favourite DOTs, no matter what. As one of you told me some time ago "I am in love of our friendship" ...

I have to confess that I was just a normal person (an entity) just before meeting you, and the fact that every day I am feeling your thoughts, decisions, possitive outcomes ... Ahmm memories, meetings, calls, tears, understanding, ways to see the world, fights, disappointments .... ways ... simple ways of you to be my friends ... details, love, ... I LOVE EVERYTHING OF YOU

Is just that today I realized that you are part of the selected group of persons that have the power of making my hair stand on end when I see a picture of you, I really feel happy when something good happens to you, and I really feel broken when you feel it too ... You are my idols, my best living examples no matter what!! ... Thanks for being here always... 

And also thank's to God for letting me have these great people by my side .... I miss you too much!! Love you both!! ........ Thank you for being my secret diary and for being with me, knowing me completely ... 

You are Dot's drawn as vertical lines in my life timeline, because you will never dissapear for me ... I am here, as always too ...LOS AMO COMO UN PUTAS!! ... Ojala todos algún día puedan sentir por alguien, lo que yo siento por Jonathan Valencia y Natalia Jimenez. Muah!

31 de mayo de 2011

About the DOTS ...

Thinking about what my friends are to me ... " ... At the end, you can’t connect the DOTS looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future, you have to trust on something: God, destiny, life, karma… whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect during the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart..." Steve Jobs.

There are so many things that you don’t know about me, sometimes I think I am too strict with the people and with myself. Today, I am going to talk about the application of my rigidity with my friends and what is exactly for me “a friend”, then maybe you will understand my points of view of a lot of things that happened during this month.

Well, I know you are going to look at this as a crazy stuff but, there is no friend of mine that can be just a coincidence in my life. When I meet the people, the first thing that is coming to my mind is “Why are we here? Why am I meeting you now?” no matter which person is. I am always inquiring around it because I really believe that there is a connection between everything you have; so then, I am always seeing the people, my friends, and the positive and negative things that happen to me as A DOT. And that’s why I am always trying to determine the connection between the dots in my life. I think I can be helpful for the development of my future not only studying but trying to connect the dots just before something is going to happen.

There are a lot of stories that made me think like that some time ago. If you are my friend, I want you to know that I am studying you all the time, looking your positive and negative answers to your life, the way you look, the way you act, all the ways on you, because I know that many of your ways to be, are affecting my ways to do and to see the things, because we are human and we can be influenced easily. If you are my friend is because you have something big I am interested in, something I can copy and improve. None of my friends are considered as it because of its unconditional way, actually I don’t believe that word can exist. You are my friend because there is a powerful thing on you that will contribute during my way to my vision.

Maybe, the previous explanation can make you feel as a simple thing for me. I will be direct with you, that’s the way I learned of how to see the people, and actually that’s the world, is all about networking. You’re not just a thing for me, you are one of the dots on my way to a happy life, you are part of my selected circle of friends and I am really happy that you are into my life.

The only thing I expect from you is that you get your life organized and start seeing the people as a dot, because if not, you are going to be a different person every day, and you are going to depend of the people that is around you to determine who you are every day of your life, and you will be part of the dreams of your friends but you will never follow your dream. With those words, I am trying to tell you that maybe at any time you will be not a dot of my life anymore. And maybe you cannot understand me now, because you are not planning your future around the dots that you have, but someday you will wake up and you are going to realize how much did you lose, how many moments, how many dreams …. Just because you are going to be someone you don’t know.

I am really sorry about the persons that were my friends some time ago, but if they are not my friends anymore, is because I took the decision, they are not a dot anymore, not even a connection for me. Maybe they were going by another way that was not mine, another way that was against my dreams, against my heart…

Actually, this post is dedicated to them .... Hope now you can understand ...

30 de abril de 2011

This could be your moment ;)

I have always believed that if you are feeling something you just have to let it be, because always the future has great things to show you, and those things with some connections of the high and low points of you life, are going to be the answer of what you are wondering now.... So then, my priority for May will be my points connection ... I am not as happy as you're always thinking ;)

♫♪ And always remember, that your brighter days are up ahead (no regrets). Squeeze them tight and don't forget differences are differences. All the dreams of life that you've been letting go, blink and then you'll miss it and you'll never know ... THIS COULD BE THE MOMENT, THAT TURNS INTO A LIFETIME ... ♫♪